3 Invasive Pest Species Right In Your Backyard Over the years, countless invasive species have made their way into the United States, both intentionally and accidentally. Read on to learn more about 7 of the most common U.S. invasive species and the threats they pose to human health and property….
How to Spot Mice or Rats in the Home
How to Spot Mice or Rats in the Home Common Signs of a Rodent Infestation Many people associate the cold weather with high heating bills, power outages and other related problems, but rodent infestations should also be added to this list of winter woes. In fact, a survey by the…
7 Ways Pests Are Taking the Sweat Equity Out of Your House
7 Ways Pests Are Taking the Sweat Equity Out of Your House September 19, 2016 By Bob Vila, home improvement expert If you’re like so many other property owners, you put a great deal of time and energy, money and thought into your single biggest investment, your home. Better than…
“Infested” About Bedbugs by Brooke Borel
A book about bedbugs is, by necessity, a book about nearly everything: about travel and adventure, about our Ârelationship to nature, about how scientists solve problems, about trust and whether we view strangers as friends or foes. It is a book about what people will do under extreme circumstances, and…
Cockroaches Originated In North America, Not Europe; Proof Comes From Amateur Fossil Find by Gabrielle Jonas
An amateur fossil collector in Colorado has single-handedly upended a long-standing theory that cockroaches originated in Europe. Fossil hunter David Kohls, 77, from western Colorado, found four cockroach fossils in the nearby Green River Formation that predates the oldest cockroach in Europe by about five million years. Even more amazing…
Why the Menace of Mosquitoes Will Only Get Worse by Maryn Mckenna
The outbreak began so slowly that no one in Dallas perceived it at first. In June 2012, a trickle of people began showing up in emergency rooms broiling with fever, complaining that their necks were stiff and that bright lights hurt their eyes. The numbers were initially small; but by…
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